The concept of sustainable development is based on the idea of ensuring economic growth that does not lead to the irreversible depletion of natural resources. In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that formally endorsed 17 goals that are closely interconnected, making them parts of a coherent system. That is why the so-called integrated approach should be used in solving the tasks within the framework of achieving the goals set out in the Concept.
Sustainable development is based not only on the principles of environmental management. It also includes economic and social aspects, without which the implementation of the Concept is impossible. Mining University research works are aimed at studying and consistently integrating the principles of sustainable development into the business strategies of mineral complex companies, their operational activities and into management decision making processes.
The research teams of the Research Center "Assessment of anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems" cooperate with such companies as PJSC Norilsk Nickel, PJSC Rosneft, and PJSC Gazprom. In particular, based on the analysis of internal and external factors of their activities, recommendations were formulated to ensure the conditions for sustainable development of enterprises, as well as mechanisms of programs to control pollutant emissions from associated petroleum gas (APG) combustion.
This indicator began to show positive dynamics both due to the improvement of legislation and due to the effective functioning of a number of tools of integrated management systems, including analysis of the organization context and monitoring the changing requirements of stakeholders (in terms of legal conditions). This allowed companies to allocate resources in advance to implement an associated petroleum gas utilization program.